North Carolina Football Coaches Association
February 7th and 8th, 2025
Downtown Marriott Greensboro
304 North Greene Street
Greensboro, North Carolina 27401
336-379-8000 (room reservations)
Clinic Registration
Pre-registration fee is $50. All pre-registration will be online. Pre-registration payment should be made out to NCFCA and mailed to 6516 Valene Court, Myrtle Beach, SC 29572 by 2/1/2025 Deadline for a price break on rooms at the Downtown Marriott is January 8, 2025. Register early - 200 rooms are set up for the price break. On-site registration fee is $60, beginning at 1:00 pm on February 7, 2025.
Certificate Renewal Credit
One unit of certificate renewal credit will be awarded at the conclusion of the clinic. Check with your LEA if prior approval is required.
Trade Show and Vendors
The trade show and vendors will run from February 9 - February 10, 2024, Make your reservations today. Deadline for a price break on rooms at the Downtown Marriott is January 8, 2024. There are 200 rooms set up for the price break.